Mission Statement:

What is the Classical Music Alliance?

In a recent interview, Wynton Marsalis states that classical musicians "have the most eloquent way of addressing one another." Bearing this quote in mind (and extending its implications to classical fans as well as practitioners), one must wonder why there are so few resources on the internet that provide serious musicians and their audience members a medium of exchange. Certainly, the two major classical music discussion lists, Classm-l and the Moderated Classical Music List, provide well-utilized and much appreciated means of communication, and newsgroups on the subject of classical music are not difficult to find. However, on the most popular Internet resource of all, the World Wide Web, one can find virtually no such tools for discussion.

Realizing this deficiency, Jonathan Lee's ClassicalNet has designed its "Classical Music Alliance" which is intended to provide a forum for discourse between all who appreciate the most abstract of art forms.

What is it?

Stated simply, the Classical Music Alliance is little more than a fan-club for classical music. Potential members are invited to join by filling out the official Alliance application, and will be notified via email when their application has been processed.

Why join?

Benefits of membership include the opportunity to communicate with classical musicians and music lovers from around the world. Members' biographies will be placed on a special roster that will include information about members' specific interests, locations, email addresses, et al. If members so desire, their photographs may be placed alongside their biographies, if a scanned photo is available.

Members are also able to access a special, members' only area called "The Classical Music Alliance Forum." The Forum operates very much like a BBS or newsgroup, where members are able to post messages that only other members may access. Additionally, there is a special Chat zone, where members may engage in real-time chat with fellow music lovers.

The Forum is almost completely uncensored, and any legitimate discussion about musical topics (including concert schedules) is allowed an encouraged.

Finally, members will receive a newsletter, which will include updates on the program's progress, musical news from around the world, and a section where members may share their thoughts/announcements/advertisements with other members. The regularity of this newsletter has not yet been established (the first edition was sent out July 7, 1999), but it will appear at least seasonally.

How much does it cost?


There will never be any fees or obligations for membership in the Alliance. Joining the organization indicates only that you support classical music, an open discourse on the World Wide Web between musicians and listeners, and the efforts of Jonathan Lee's ClassicalNet to achieve this discourse.

Join Now!

So, wait no longer! Click here to reach the official Alliance application. Remember that membership is free, and that the "Classical Music Alliance Forum" is accessible only by Alliance members. Join now!

Page created
Jonathan Lee
[email protected]
July 7, 1999
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